Creative Resources for Families
Get Creative at Home
Our Learning and Engagement Team have listed some online art resources and initiatives that you can do at home, with limited materials. Unleash your inner artist and get creative.
Turner Contemporary’s Art Rebel Cards
Playful prompts and activities to help you explore your surroundings like a true artist. A free print-out resource is available here and you can get the complete set of cards from our shop.
Isolation Art School
An Instagram account of projects, lessons and tips by artists to help people get creative whilst they are staying at home during the Covid19 pandemic. Activities are categorised for children and adults/students: https://www.instagram.com/isolationartschool/
Tate Kids
Packed full of arty content to keep you entertained including videos, step by step making activities, games and quizzes: https://www.tate.org.uk/kids
Art is Where the Home Is
Firstsite Gallery, based in Colchester, has launched a new artist created activity pack each week, featuring contributions from UK artists Antony Gormley, Gillian Wearing, Jeremy Deller and Grayson Perry: https://firstsite.uk/art-is-where-the-home-is/
Art & Design classroom ready resources, which are interesting, clear and creative. The latest blog post lists resources you can access anywhere: http://felt-tip-pen.com/
Art Rebels online family workshops
Each of our 6 Art Rebels Family Friendly Workshops are delivered by different members of our creative community and include a fun activity to do at home. Find all of them here!
Arts Education Exchange illustration briefs
Margate Youth Organisation Arts Education Exchange have created illustration briefs specifically written for young people to engage with current events through creativity: https://artsedex.org/resources-1
Ways to keep on moving
Getting active can support creativity. There are a number of online classes to get the family moving. We like HotPod Yoga Margate’s online family yoga class that weaves in storytelling: https://hotpodyoga.com/studios/margate/ and Flock Dance’s online creative dance for children: www.flockdance.com
Anna and Arji’s Broom Cupboard
A series of 5 minute videos featuring fun creative activities and games for 3-7 year olds and their families to do at home. All videos are BSL interpreted and use easy to find materials. Find them here: https://www.alineart.co.uk/watch-make-do
Heart n Soul at Home
Led by people with learning disabilities and autism, Heart n Soul have created resources, downloadable Art Packs, digital content and summer participatory activities to do at home.
https://www.heartnsoul.co.uk/stayhome -
UAL’s creative activities for kids in lockdown
This new article from University of the Arts London features arty ideas for people to try at home as well as free downloadable activity sheets to keep children busy and entertained.