New Online Art Rebels Creative Workshops For Families at Home
Online Art Rebels Workshops
We reached out to some of our creative community and asked them to put forward ideas about how you might get creative at home. The responses range from mask making workshops to dance classes.
Over the next few weeks we will be releasing new online creative video workshops devised by artists for families to follow at home.
As well as providing you with new ideas and entertainment, these workshops were initiated to support and promote our creative community during this difficult time. If you are under 18 years old, please make sure that you follow along with an adult.
Create a mask with Tootles and Nibs
In this video, we show you how to make your own mask with items found around the house in a workshop created by Tootles and Nibs who previously ran a mask-making workshop at Turner Contemporary during their Summer 2018 exhibition Animals & Us.
About the artist: With over 12 years of experience creating parties and events all over the country, company directors Sofie Dodgson and Chris Snelson channeled their expertise towards children’s theatre and entertainment. Tootles and Nibs are dedicated to creating immersive theatrical environments to ignite and enthuse young minds and the young at heart.
Make a Sound Map with Dan Scott
In this video, we show you how to map sounds and create music with items found around the house in a workshop created by Dan Scott with his son Samuel. Dan Scott previously created a sound piece on collaboration with Turner Contemporary responding to Barbara Walker’s Place Space and Who commission in 2019.
About the Artist: “My name is Dan Scott. I’m an artist and musician working across sound and performance. In this workshop me and my son Samuel explore listening, sound mapping and sound making using things we find in our home as the raw materials. We hope you find it inspiring. If you create anything yourself do share it with us – we’d love to see and hear what you create”.
Create a Journal Drawing with David Shillinglaw
In this video, David Shillinglaw will show you how to create Journal Drawings using basic materials, taking inspiration from your day and the spaces around you. David previously delivered an animal zine-making workshop for Turner Contemporary during the Summer 2018 exhibition Animals and Us.
About the Artist: David Shillinglaw is a UK based artist, working and living in Margate. Best known for his works exploring human nature, success and failure and the language people use in the context of their experience. The Journal Drawing workshop describes the daily practice of creating a portrait by gathering details of the day and allowing them to accumulate into a picture of a person and place in time. The technique is simple and uses basic materials to rethink the process of composing a portrait. The task can be completed on your own or with someone else and puts an emphasis on drawing as a meditation.
Draw a Mandala with Lily Mixe
In this video Lily Mixe will teach you how to draw a mandala inspired by natural patterns. Lily previously delivered a “Mixed Up Menagerie” collage workshop for Turner Contemporary during our summer 2018 exhibition Animals and Us.
About the artist: Lily Mixe is a French artist, born in Paris in 1983. She is inspired by numerous diving expeditions, hundreds of notebooks and observations of animals and plants, and delicate studies of species that live along side us, often overlooked on our Human planet. Lily seems to labour under each detail, glorifying their forms, patterns and structures, attempting to capture their majesty by meditating upon their beauty and evolution. Lily says, “I want to give a visual voice to the natural world. I place nature as the highest currency on Planet Earth”.
The works shift from found objects and surfaces, drawn, painted, installed and pasted in the street. Her practice moves from studio to street, evolving over time, changing with the weather, reacting to her changing environments. The work Lily makes in the street is a deliberate collaboration with nature, adapting to the influences of architecture, plants, pollution, graffiti and natural erosion.
Create a Powerful Message Fabric Banner with Zoe Murphy
In this video, Margate designer Zoe Murphy will be giving a tutorial on how to make a printed textile banner using materials from around the house. This afternoon ‘make’ teaches a little bit of natural dyeing, some stencil making and potato printing, and provided the seagulls don’t pinch your stamps you can have a message up in the window by the evening!
About the Artist: Zoe Murphy is a Furniture and Textile Designer from Margate who creates colourful and sustainable interior products that encourage others to ‘love what belongs to you’. With her drawings and colour palettes from life at the seaside, she hand prints onto any furniture or fabrics that needs a bit of attention or crafted care (www.zoemurphy.com). Having grown up in the town Zoe has always been called a ‘Margate Girl’, and in 2018 started a fun series of projects, workshops, and souvenir ranges under the name. You can find these over on margategirl.com!
Dance your own Yard Show with Lizzie Prince from Flock Dance
In this video, dance artist Lizzie Prince will be bringing you an online tutorial to give you and your children ideas for moving and choreographing at home. Based on the current exhibition We Will Walk, Lizzie will guide you through fun & engaging ways of creating your own unique Yard Shows just as the African-American artists did during the Civil Rights Movement in the Southern states of America.
About the Artist: Lizzie Prince is a dance practitioner working in a wide range of educational settings to bring the fulfillment & richness of movement to children, young people and their families. She has a BA in Dance Studies, a Postgraduate Certificate in Dance Teaching from the Royal Academy of Dance and is co-founder of Flock Dance company and Creative Voices, a dance theatre organisation based in Margate. Over the last 13 years Lizzie has collaborated with artists, photographers, filmmakers & musicians to create work that explores the inextricable relationships between the different art forms. Having gained the support from Arts Council England more recently Lizzie has delivered highly engaging dance theatre projects to children & young people in Margate and Thanet.