Nice To Meet You / Som Rado Hoij Tumen Spindzardom
Foyle Corridor
Nice To Meet You is a collaborative art project between five Slovak and Czech Roma women and visual artist, Joy C Martindale.
Nice To Meet You is a collaborative art project between five Slovak and Czech Roma women and visual artist, Joy C Martindale. Run as part of a healthy lifestyles after-school club in Dover, the group met regularly to explore creative self-expression through painting. The exhibition includes a series of artworks on paper and canvas inspired by the group’s personal interests.
Roma communities in many countries, including the UK, remain marginalised. In Slovakia, where Roma are the second largest minority group, they continue to face unequal access to employment, education, health and social services compared to non-Roma Slovaks.
Nice To Meet You aims to champion the message that art can bring communities together and is one of many local initiatives striving to improve social cohesion and challenge negative stereotypes.
This project has been carried out in partnership with Samphire and Turner Contemporary and made possible by National Lottery supported Arts Council England grant funding and a grant from Counterpoints Arts.