YAL resource
Download a brand new fanzine resource, aimed at helping schools create their own Young Arts Leaders Group.
Turner Contemporary has worked on a project with the Young Art Leaders of Palm Bay Primary to design a guide for schools on setting up their own YAL group. Use this resource to help create your own.
About YALs:
At Turner Contemporary the focal point of our learning ethos is inspiring and protecting the future; supporting children and young people to lead, create and play. We have nurtured an initiative in our local primary schools by developing a programme of Young Arts Leaders, known as YALs. The idea behind YALs is to promote creativity, curiosity and critical thinking as part of everyday life, which we believe are vital skills for the 21st Century. The model has been inspired by children’s leadership projects run by Turner Contemporary; most notably Art Inspiring Change and Pioneering Places. Over a number of years, both projects worked with YALs in local primary schools to address local needs through a creative lens.
Since taking part in Art Inspiring Change in 2017, Palm Bay Primary School have fully adopted the YAL initiative into their curriculum, thanks to the huge support and energy from their school art lead Mrs Tong (who is also an established artist locally). The school proactively works with their young people to shape their arts provision, from running teacher training on creativity to leading public tours at Turner Contemporary and organising school fundraiser Art Auctions. Recognising their expertise, we reached out to them with an idea to co-create and design a guide to help other schools see the benefits, be inspired, and guide them in developing their own YAL group.
Instructions for creating the resource booklet zine
- Step 1 – Print out the resource on A3 paper, on both sides.
- Step 2 – Follow the instruction diagram on how to fold and cut the paper to make the zine.
- Step 3 – Enjoy your booklet or choose to have is as a poster (using the back page of PDF).