The Turner Contemporary Open
To mark our 10th anniversary and ten years on from our first Open, this open submission exhibition celebrates and showcases the wealth of artistic talent living, working and training in Kent.
Booking a free ticket before your visit is essential. Please help us protect visitors and staff by wearing a face-covering in the gallery.
The Turner Contemporary Open is an open submission exhibition that marks our 10th anniversary.
Over 10 years on from Turner Contemporary’s first Open, and in celebration of the gallery’s 10th anniversary, Turner Contemporary is pleased to present The Turner Contemporary Open.
This ambitious exhibition celebrates and showcases the wealth of artistic talent in Kent and Medway. It includes works by both professional and non-professional artists living and working in the area and those working nationally and internationally who studied there.
Opening on 23 October 2021 and spanning Turner Contemporary’s first floor galleries, the exhibition includes approximately 450 works, selected from over 4,200 anonymised submissions received from nearly 1,400 artists.
Artworks span sculpture, painting, ceramics, film and photography, including work by internationally renowned artists such as Tracey Emin, Rose Wylie and Margo Selby, alongside up-and-coming artists such as Matilda Sutton, Joshua Atkins and Lisa Wright.
The works have been selected by four Thanet-based community groups and collectives: Age UK Thanet, Canvas 4 Equality, Margate Pride and the Turner Contemporary Access Group. These groups have volunteered their time as curators with the support of Turner Contemporary. Each group has taken over a gallery space, in which they have curated their selection of artworks.
Since opening in April 2011, Turner Contemporary has established itself as a locally embedded, nationally significant art gallery connecting art, people and place. As well as drawing national and international artists to work, collaborate and exhibit in the town, a key part of the gallery’s mission is to champion creativity in Margate and Kent. The Turner Contemporary Open demonstrates this commitment and continues the gallery’s pioneering work in community curation.
The exhibition runs until Sunday 20 February 2022.
Discover more about the exhibition here.
Exhibiting Artists
Cydney Adams
Naomi Adams
Tom Adams
Miraj Ahmed
Malcolm Allen
Alison Allum
Carole Andrews
Daniel Andrews
Ross Andrews
Brigitte Aphrodite
Marion Armstrong
Thea Kate Arnold
Dave Asthouart
Joshua Atkins
Gerry Atkinson
Peter Austen
Jo Austen
Rob Baker Ashton
Fynn Ballantine
Josephine Baly
Margot Bandola
Jonathan Barnard
Elisabeth Bartlett
Daniel Bass
Jessice Baynes
Courtney Beckett
Becky and Bonnie
Iona Bembridge
Charys Beswick
Joseph Black
Mr Blanche DuBois
Neil Bottle
Greg Bottle
Ian Bottle
Danny Branscombe
Matt Bray
Ian Bride
Ann Bridges
Coral Brookes
Jemima Brown
Stephanie Brunton
Jordan Buckner
Beverley Bunn
David Burks
Anna Bush
Mary Butcher MBE
Mick Cairns
Daphne Candler
Angela Carpenter
Rosie Carr
Holly Chadd
Geoffrey Chambers
Jemma Channing
Andrea Chappell
Liberty Cheverall
Bob Chicalors
Catherine Chinatree
Alex Chinneck
Helder Clara
Leigh Clarke
Linda Clarke
Andrew Clarke
Ciaran Cliffe
Henry Collins
Sharon Cooper
Meghan Costin
Jack Coulson
Ken Cousins
Phil Coy
Elissa Cray
Jemma Cullen
Suzy Curtis
David Cutts
Peter D’Alessandri
Janet Darley F.R.S.A.
Tracy Davidson
Lauren Davies
John Davies
Emily Dawson
Jason deCaires Taylor
Steve Dell Woodturning
Sue Denim
Desi Dimowa
Marianne Dissard
Robin Dixon
Emma Dove
Di Drummond
Jenny Duff
Caroline Dyal
Sandy Eames
Roy Eastland
Ieuan Edwards
Tracey Emin
Callier Epps
Morgan Erbe
Charlie Evaristo-Boyce
Helen Excell
Tracey Falcon
Janet Farahar
Catriona Faulkner
Graham Fenton
Esmee Ferguson
Hope Fitzgerald
David M Flower
Nicola Flower
Bob Fludgate
Jess Frankland
Scott Lee Freeland
James Edward Frost
Eoin Furbank
Zara Gabriel
Paul Gadenne
Gillian Gambold
Ruth Geldard
Emma Gibson
Tom Gidley
Felicity Gill
Emily Glass
Karen Glykys
Richard Goldfinch
Dexter Gonzales
Lesley Gray
Annie Greenwood
Robert Greshoff
Kit Griffiths
Louise J Hackman-Hexter
Magz Hall
Sandra Hampton
Emma Hamshare
Dominic Harper
Emma Harrison
Ted Harrison
Emma Harvey
Paul Hazelton
Dave Heath
Lillian Henley
Sadie Hennessy
Andy Henstridge
Jasmine Henwood
Oliver Herbert
Sally Hewett
Anthony Heywood
Nicky Hirst
Rosalind Hobley
Kellie Hogben
Gloria Holden
Mark Holihan
Jennifer Hooper
Rachael House
Mandy Hudson
Frederick Ingoldby
Joff Insole
Jonathan Insole
Clayton Irwin
Richard Jeferies
Beverley Johnson
Joanna Jones
Maureen Jordan
Melanie Jordan
Jessica Jordan-Wrench
Stella Kajombo
Deirdre Kashdan
Hayden Kays
Elizabeth A Kelleher
Michael Kennedy
Max Kimber
Warren King
Melanie King
Adam Knight
Claire Knights
Grace Laitung Gomes
Molly Lambourn
Robert Lamoon
Tracey Lane
Cynthia Lawrence-John
Debbie Lawson
Patrick Lears
Hannah Lees
Maria Leiva
Frank Leppard
Darren Lewis
Emma Lloyd
Ty Locke
Alan Longley
Daniel Loveday
Gilly F H Lovegrove
Keith Lovegrove
Pat Macdonald
Lorrain Mailer
Selma Malasi
Steff Malone
Barbarita Marks
Eleanor Marriott
Michelle Marshall
Bob Martin
Mark Mason
Roberta Mason
Margo McDaid
Lisa McGuinness
Kimmy McHarrie
Duncan Mckellar
Sonia McNally
Steve Mcpherson
Bridget McVey
Tim Meacham
Lindsey Mendick
Jim Moir
Nicole Mollett
Tim Molloy
Charlotte Moonchild
Ara Moradian
George Morl
H E Morris
Alex Mortimer
Margaret Mouzon
Matthew George Mullins
Annie Murrells
Robyn Neild
Louise Nevett
Liz Norton
Guy Oliver
Open School East
Phien O’Phien
Claire Orme
Joshua Osborne
Gabriel Silver Parker
Steve Parnell
Daisy Parris
Emily Parris
Bertram Paterson
Jemimah Patterson
Iris Pearl Moore
Christine Pettet
Margaret Philpot
Susan Pilcher
Tomas Poblete
Manuela Pomposo Leiva
Bill Prickett
Sonny Charles Ptohopoulos
Kavel Rafferty
Rebecca Rayner
Callum Read
Jay Rechsteiner
David Redfern
Kaitee Reed
Josephine Richards
Josie Richardson
Emily Roberts
Ellie Robins
Catherine Robinson
Julia Rogers
Ted Rogers
Dawn Rollason
Beth Roo Williams
Sarah Rooms Heaphy
Lizzy Rose
Gill Roth
Gillian Runting
Terry Ryan
Vicki Salmi
Cherelle Sappleton
Peter Campbell Saunders
Mark Scammell
Gary Scholes
Merike Sein
Margo Selby
Karen Shannon
David Shaw
Susan Shaw
Shed of Yun
Karen Shepherdson
Sarah Sherlock
Kim Showna
John Sims
Ricardo Sleiman
Ann Small
Chris Snow
Franzi Sordon
Soundtrack House
Corinna Spencer
Shaun Stamp
Fiona Stanbury
Liene Steinberga
Joy Stephens
Eve Stickler
Peter Stockon-Smith
Rebecca Strickson
Studio Lenca
Ba Stunt
Maxine Sutton
Matilda Sutton
Matthew Swift
Catherine Taylor, Keep Collect
Fiona Taylor
Jason deCaires Taylor
Cherry Tewfik
Kath Thompson
TJ Thorne
Sara Trillo
Squidwin Triumph
Gareth Tudor
Emily Tull
Stephen Turner
Kat Tweg
Maria Underwood
Safwyl Valentine
Berne Vaughan
Kristin Vicari
Peter Vigar
nancy violet
Karen Vost
Nicki Vowls
Sam Wainwright
Lorraine Wake
Clare Wakefield
Rebecca Waterworth
Kirsty A Watson
Dave Webb
Samuel R Webb
Hannah Whittaker
Sudjadi Widjaja
Sam Wilde
Patrick Wilkins
Jae Wilkinson
Charles Wiliams
Maggie Williams
Leise Wilson
Work & Turn Collective
Lisa Wright
Sarah Wyld
Rose Wylie
ZouZou Group
Proceeds from the sale of original artist work and editions support both the exhibiting artist and Turner Contemporary’s charitable activities.